The Folkestone and Ashford Military show
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Military Show
Since 1971 the Sellindge show ground hosted the Sellindge steam festival, organised by the Birch Family. Les Birch who passed away in 2014 was a prominent figure within the show ground area, always talking to cadet units that were helping on site about his years in the Army.
Mr Birch, who served in the Royal Artillery, was captured by German soldiers in 1940, and held prisoner in ten different camps. He will be remembered as one of the characters of life and was often referred to as the storyteller.
One of the cadet organisations, Kent (Marine) Cadet Force, an independent cadet unit, not affiliated or recognised by the Ministry of Defence is hosts the Folkestone and Ashford Military show to keep alive the good work that Les Birch did within the Community.
The show is designed to highlight and showcase the involvement of youth organisations of the area and in particular cadet organisations, whilst incorporating a military feel to attract members of the public and by adding certain attractions making it feel a modern day Fair, for all the community to enjoy.
We will have in attendance some very special guests whilst creating an atmosphere for family s to enjoy for hours and return for years to come.
We will be raising funds for the Royal British Legion, who will be in attendance as well as raising funds for a memorial stone for Les Birch.
Our face book page Folkestone and Ashford Military show has more details and pictures